The Case for Mail Free Campaigns
Political mail, or direct mail campaigns, has long been a well-liked tactic for political operatives, consultants, and candidates. But the effectiveness of political mail in influencing modern voters, especially younger generations, such as millennials and Gen Z, has rightfully come under increasing scrutiny in recent elections.
Younger people are said to be less responsive to political mail since they are more technologically adept and far more reliant on the internet, social media, and their cell phones for information. In fact, according to more recent surveys, nearly all voters are more likely to obtain their political news through internet sources and social media than via traditional mail.
As political mail is usually one of the most expensive forms of political advertising, it must be well-targeted and highly specific if it is to be cost-effective in any sized campaign.
Campaigns and candidates must pre-pay the costs of printing, postage, and handing, often weeks before the mailer drop date, to secure printer press time during a busy political season. This pre-payment, pre-order system denies modern campaigns of the dynamic, often daily, re-targeting and hashing of the targeted voter audience.
Digital communication techniques, on the other hand, are more economical and successful, especially when trying to reach younger voters.
There is growing concern over how direct mail campaigns affect the environment. Campaigns and consultants that rely mainly on physical mail may be seen as wasteful or out of touch by younger, more environmentally sensitive generations.
While political mail may still be a useful technique for influencing specific voter demographics, especially older voters who could be less prone to use internet communication, it's crucial to analyze the electorate and issue first to avoid a costly one-size-fits-all approach.
The Modern Cartographers have been pioneering “mail-free, all-digital” campaigns for years. We have adopted leading-edge technologies and tactics to rewrite the maps for your political goals. Reach out and schedule a custom strategy session today to see if our modern approach can help you win without direct mail's expensive and ineffective cost.
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